
Building distributed teams is a great way to access larger talent pools, maintain full operational control, foster trust and scale faster

Distributed teams (also called remote teams) are a group of employees dispersed geographically around the globe rather than being centralised at a single headquarters. As communicating with online collaboration software and videoconferencing becomes the norm and widespread talent shortages fuel the war for talent;

organisations are rethinking their talent strategies to incorporate globally distributed teams that are geographically dispersed to access greater critical talent pools as a necessary way to meet global strategic outcomes.


of execs say talent acquisition is very important


of execs see virtual teaming capabilities as critical


of employees see innovation and collaboration across locations


Outsourcing vs Distributed Teams

Distributed teams are the next evolution in outsourcing where the key driver is no longer cost but control and talent. With traditional outsourcing models, an outsourcing business will be contracted to deliver a piece of work or project and provide little-to-no access to the people actually doing the work. Whereas distributed teams are employed as an extension of your local team that work out of our amazing offices in the Philippines. We can even fit out the space to look and feel like your local office.

The employees are integrated into your company's induction, culture and policies. You are given full control over selecting the employees, the hours they work, how much they're paid, the level of benefits etc. These employees are managed directly by your business with our assistance. We provide best practices on how to build a successful long-term distributed team, along with our full and continual support. Like any true partnership, you are given multiple contact points from our CEO, to HR, recruitment, legal, networking and finance teams - we are here to help at every stage.

At A Glance
How the different models stack up
Want to find out more about building distributed teams? Get in touch today.